"Birthdays and Lindsay are a magical combination. It seemed that Lindsay thrived when she celebrated the life and times of others. One of my favorite memories of Lindsay was my own 21st birthday—it was a random Wednesday night in the summer, and hardly anyone wanted to go out and celebrate. Except for Lindsay. She didn’t hesitate to don a birthday hat like a trooper and was ready to celebrate me. She cuddled with my poodle, danced the night away, late-nighted at Cosmic, and even swam in the Belmont pool with me that night. But even more than the fun we had, she also introduced me to one of my best friends that night—Lauren Wessel. She declared that we would be fast friends, and we definitely were. That night is a perfect memory of Lindsay. She wanted to celebrate others, fun followed wherever she went, and she brought people together in marvelous ways. So, today, I turn the tables and celebrate Lindsay and all that she has taught me. Cheers, Lindsay!"
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